
Expanded Integrations are here! Zaps, Webhooks, and APIs

Written by Brigitte Cardenas | Feb 14, 2023 8:44:04 PM

Data As a newsletter creator, you depend on many platforms - email services, CRMs, CMSs, analytics tools, and more. However, working across all these disparate systems leads to frustrating workflow disruptions.

You find yourself constantly tabbing back and forth, copying and pasting data between apps. Essential subscriber or content details fall through the cracks. And piecing together insights requires tedious manual analysis.

Wouldn't it be nice for all your tools and platforms to communicate seamlessly?

Well, now they can. We're excited to announce Letterhead's latest expanded integration capabilities - even more Zapier triggers and actions, expanded APIs, and brand-new webhooks. These solutions empower you to sync data across platforms automatically for unified workflows whether you’ve got developers on your team (API/webhooks) or you’re using no-code automation solutions like Zapier.

The Fragmentation Problem

Let's explore the core issue these integrations solve:

Your marketing technology stack likely contains several disconnected systems:

  • Email service provider (Letterhead)
  • Customer relationship manager (Salesforce, HubSpot)
  • Content management system (WordPress, Drupal)
  • E-commerce platform (Shopify, Magento)
  • Analytics tools (Google Analytics, Mixpanel)
  • Team collaboration apps (Slack, Microsoft Teams)

Each platform houses different data:

  • Subscriber profiles in your ESP
  • Lead and customer data in your CRM
  • Content assets in your CMS
  • Transaction history in e-commerce
  • Engagement data in analytics
  • Conversations and files in chat apps

This inevitably leads to data silos - subscriber info trapped in the ESP, content stuck in the CMS. Valuable data gets stranded in disparate systems.

The result? Inefficiencies like:

  • Frustrating, manual transfers between platforms
  • Duplicated data and disjointed workflows
  • Limited ability to analyze data across systems
  • Difficulty creating integrated cross-channel journeys

Automated Data Syncing

Letterhead's integrations solve these problems by enabling automated syncing across your martech stack. 

  1. No-Code Zapier Integration: 

    Easily connect Letterhead with 1,000+ apps without coding using pre-built Zaps:

  • Trigger actions in other apps based on Letterhead events like new subscribers or published newsletters.
  • Insert data into Letterhead, like curating articles from a CMS or adding customer info from a CRM.
  • Search for subscribers in your CRM when they engage with Letterhead emails.

Seamlessly automate data flows between Letterhead and your other marketing, sales, and service tools with just a few clicks.

  1. Expanded APIs
Our expanded APIs allow building custom integrations between Letterhead and your in-house systems or external platforms. New endpoints provide API access to audience, curation, and publishing data.

Integrate Letterhead data directly into your:

  • Custom dashboards and analytics
  • Internal databases and data warehouses
  • Adoption or engagement tracking
  • Custom email generation workflows
  • And more…

  1. Webhooks

Webhooks create instant automations triggered by Letterhead events. Whenever specific events occur - like new subscribers or published newsletters - Letterhead will POST data payloads to the URL you configure. Receive Letterhead data directly in your:

  • CRM to update lead info
  • Slack or Teams to notify your team
  • Third-party analytics platforms
  • Any API endpoint you want!

Unified Martech Stacks and Workflows

Combined, Zapier and webhooks provide complementary ways to connect Letterhead across your tech stack seamlessly. You can sync information between systems automatically, pass subscriber details where they need to go, embed new content instantly, send notifications on critical events, and even analyze data holistically across tools.

The result is more streamlined workflows that let you focus less on busy work and more on creating engaging newsletters.

If seamless integrations sound like just what your tech stack needs, contact our experienced team. We're here to help you optimize workflows and spend time where it matters - producing quality content for your subscribers.

To get started, check out our video tutorial below 👇🏽